The Emergence of Virtual Reality in Mobile App Development

The acquisition of virtual reality headset developer, Oculus Rift by Facebook has reintroduced VR into the limelight of technology in a different dimension. However, VR technology is no more going to be only for gaming just as it were in the time past but will be introduced into more serious day to day business. This recent development is driving Facebook competitors wide and crazy with fear that Facebook will soon take over the entire market. More so, there has been rising and subsiding of interest in VR technology for some time due to acquisition of Oculus Rift by Facebook.

The Effects of Virtual Reality in Software Development Companies in Dubai

Many software development companies in Dubai and in other parts of the world are developing software and applications using VR technology. Companies like Qualcomm, HP, Samsung and others have recently released their new products in a bid to take over a fraction of the market after Facebook acquired Oculus Rift. The major talking point at 2015 Consumer Electronics Show that took place in Las Vegas is VR. For that reason, oodles of software developers are ensuring that they stay ahead of their competitors through introduction of VR in their applications. Development of applications for mobile devices is almost taken over by VR technology.

9670712_SThe Reason for the Increase in the Use of VR in App Development

The uprising in the technological development can easily be linked to the reason why there is increase in the demand for VR technology. The VR technology is used to provide consumers exciting experience in different types of applications. Also, there has been enhancement in the app development due to the introduction of VR technologies. The significance improvement in the technology associated with mobile devices, graphic cards and chips are proves for friendliness of customers with VR technology. Mitham who is the CEO of WeArVR claims that VR is the next revolution in the world of computing just as internet was the order of the day in 2000s.

Increase in the Use of VR in Mobile Apps Development Dubai

The dramatic fall in the price of VR application and technology can easily be linked to the reason behind the uprising in the interest of users. For that reason, IT companies in Dubai are presently making use of VR in their mobile apps development dubai. The price of VR technology which has reduced to about one hundred time has attracted attention of many developers to start incorporating the technology into their work. More so, the need to improvement in application quality is among the reasons why oodles of developers are making use of VR technology in their work this day.

Virtual Reality in Software Development Companies

There are lots of improvements in the software development this day due to use of VR technologies. The recently developed software used with Intel’s RealSense camera technology is able to capture and track player’s hand movement in a game developed with VR technology. This makes it easy for participants of this game to gesture, wave and also engage in game beach voyage with each other. More so, with the game developed with VR technology, one can easily play with another that is over hundreds miles away.

Improvement of Market Prospect with Virtual Reality Technology

Honestly, software development companies from different parts of the world are beginning to discover the need for VR technology as a mean to increase market prospect. More so, in recent years, there is introduction of technical performance needed to offer convincing, comfortable as well as well immersive desktop with the help of VR technology. The production of audio and image with the use of human understanding has been made possible and easier with the help of VR technology. But, in order to enjoy wonderful viewing experience using VR environment, you have to ensure that you do everything correctly. The high expansion in the capability of both software and hardware has also gingered more interest into VR and AR technologies.

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