Due to the advancing technology, many marketers have decided to concentrate most of their resources and time under virtual reality so as to promote their products in the market. They believe that this will greatly enable them to sell their brand in the market and get more customers since the customers will be well acquainted with their brand. However, some pioneers have managed to use the virtual marketing through the marketers have not managed to fully exploit the virtual marketing to their advantage. The main functions of the virtual marketing are mainly aimed at attaining the following things in a strategic way.
-It is aimed at demonstrating the key attributes, features, and functions of various products like the Samsung Gear Virtual Marketing
-It aims at educating and acquainting people about a given product the Tom’s is a good example.
-It also aims at concentrating many people in a given brand of entertainment by adding excitement to trending events in the social media. Game Thrones aims at doing this.
-It enables the consumers of a given product to make the right decision so as to avoid regretting after buying or subscribing to products. The Lowe’s is a good example.
-It aims at transforming the old traditional dimensions and video stories to new and exciting events like the New York times.
-It aims at demonstrating how it can transform a given type of brand into an inspirational way. The Mercedes uses this tactic to sell its product.
However, the penetration of the virtual marketing household headsets has not matured enough to merge the requirements of the new technology. But the virtual marketing has greatly demonstrated how it can generate viral responses.
Some companies have decided to demonstrate their experience indoors by producing durable and quality gears while other companies have opted to demonstrate their experience in a broader way through mobile phones and computers. I have chosen the following companies as my leading companies since they have demonstrated the uses of technology in the marketing industry.
New York times
This company has demonstrated the uses of virtual reality in storytelling. In the year 2015, this company distributed more than one million Google cardboard glasses to its customers and managed to produce a virtual marketing film for them. In the year 2016, they managed to produce another one to their consumers which was more exciting and was long enough to enable their viewers to learn about the thrilling zooming of the Pluto.
The virtual marketing has enabled this company to transform all genres of story into exciting stories that will suit the viewers who are majorly children. It makes them love these stories since it widens their imagination and suit their lifestyle.
The Tom’s Company
It has mastered the art of storytelling. There is a flagship in Venice, Califonia that has been written information about the Tom’s. This attracts people to listen to their stories. They have managed to transform their storytelling in a way that once the virtual marketing headphone has been placed on your head, you feel like you are in a very remote village enjoying their story tales. Once you come out of that place you would wish to come again. The Tom’s brings people together in a very good that no other thing can manage to do so.