Are you opening a new store? If you are, start promoting your store and your product brand before you welcome your first customer. Start introducing your store to your potential customers right away. Instead of using the usually signage inviting everyone to your opening, use an interactive digital display that will give potential shoppers a virtual experience of how fun it would be to shop in your store.
With modern technology this is highly possible. While the usual practice is to post signs on an empty wall covering the space that will become your store, making a digital display of how the store would look like gives would-be customers the feel of how they would wander around the store inspecting products and choosing what they want to buy.
Here is how the fun begins. As customers go around a shopping area, they would see a wall behind which your store is taking shape. You come face to face with several digital displays on the wall and you see a notice that says “Touch Me.” You touch it and images of the store that would soon emerge are shown. You can see the different products displayed on glass cases and the myriad of choices from which you can choose whatever you want to purchase.
This advertising strategy shows ingenuity and it keeps the customers excited about shopping at your store. This means that you have potential customers getting ready to enjoy shopping at your store once it opens.
Initiated by The Science Project, this unique way of announcing the opening of a new business has attracted entrepreneurs. You can now see digital displays asking potential customers to explore the store virtually before it opens and chances are they would try it just for fun and come out hooked on the idea of buying your products when the store is finished.
This type of advertising is done by professionals who are experts in the field of digital marketing. The display could be retained later on even when the store is already open to encourage customers visiting the store to try its online shop. The display then, would be advertising both the offline and online store.
Digital advertising could be costly but its benefits have been proven to be incomparable. You can just imagine how fast your business can grow considering that thousands of customers have undergone virtual shopping before it has actually opened.
Today, everything seems to go digital and the impact of digital marketing businesses has spelled a big difference between traditional marketing endeavors and modern marketing strategies. In this era where customers want to have information about a business before making purchases, digital applications will allow them not just to get information but to have virtual experience that would motivate them to visit your store.
Go with the trend and try these interactive and content-rich digital displays that make it possible for you to encourage potential customers to make your soon-to-open store popular among them before it has even opened its doors.