How Anonymous Video Analytics Has Facilitated Measurement of Consumer Activities

Customer data management is very crucial for companies which value their customers. Companies have customer relationship management programs to in order to stay in touch with their esteemed customers. Anonymous Video Analytics is a strategy that is used to gather digital signage of the customers’ activities. The technology detects the face of the person and from the image it is able to recognize the eyes and other facial elements. Digital signage through Anonymous video analytics assists marketers to gather information on all the customers activities compared to the past where marketers could only obtain the number of people that passed by a digital signage way finding sign. Anonymous Video Analytics uses sensors that are embedded in cameras to detect any passing face. Anonymous video analytics is termed to be anonymous since it doesn’t match a particular face to a database that already has facial recognition.

It relies on digital signage way finding to detect a particular pattern and thus recognize a human face looking or standing in the direction of the video. It identifies patterns such as cheeks and eyes and thus it is crucial in managing data of the customers. The Anonymous video analytics further records the duration of time that the face looked at the digital signage wayfinding. It also categorizes facing according to their age and gender. Digital signage wayfinding is important in the anonymous video analytics as it helps to measure and estimate the traffic flow patterns in companies and retail stores. Digital signage allows companies and retail stores to advertise their products and services. Digital signage way finding in anonymous video analytics has facilitated the measurement of the consumers who visit retail stores and other companies.

The digital signage has filled the gap that exists in obtaining the number of people that seek the digital services of stores and for how long they watch marketing campaign videos. Anonymous video analytics is a technology that is quite cost effective, as it assists retail stores in obtaining crucial information regarding their customers. Digital signage wayfinding facilities the collection of only statistical data, and no images, or videos are recorded, hence boosting the anonymity of the technology. Anonymous video analytics is very reliable, and the measurement system is accurate. It is a priority over the traditional methods of advertising as it measures all the activities of the consumers seeking the services of the retail store. This type of advertising is what retail business owners are looking for, in order to boost sales and make more money.

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