Happy New Year 2013 and Dubai does it again! Not only was it a treat for the hundreds of thousands gathered near the Dubai Mall fountains, but the pyrotechnics this year were the most stunning ever.
Most had come to see how they meticulously install these mind-blowing, electrically initiated (I assume), beautiful fireworks probably on every 10th floor of the Burj Khalifa. The real surprise element this time was dedicated to the audiences present at the Dubai Mall fountain area and the Soul Al Bahar. Outstanding projection systems engulfing each surface surrounded the fountains with some exorbitantly outstanding visuals.

To add to the flair, there were dancers and performers in sync with the visuals in such brilliant harmony. This tandem lasted for enough time before the first display of fireworks was seen. What was really applaudable, was the content developed for this occasion – truly world class. It started with some abstract vectorized shapes in really high-definition, which progressed into some really nice artwork. The best part was when they unleashed the true ‘spirit of the union’ by displaying flags of the most relevant countries whose citizens reside in the UAE. This really did the thing, made each person very happy.
I wonder what was the projection system used here, but it was probably the best in the world. They didn’t just have the main screens, they had installed transparent screens at each corner (as shown in the pic above), to really elevate the effect for the public.

When the fireworks started, it was like summoning the whole city for a new beginning. I wonder where they get these fireworks from? They look as if they have been engineered for extravagance.