Interactive Shopping with 3 High-Tech Devices

Shoppers are in for some big changes in retail technology. And marketing ventures have encompassed and go beyond publicity and promotions, so much so that stores and other retail establishments have invested on interactive gadgetry that aims to lure in more customers by directly influencing and improving their buying experience.

Interactive Shopping with 3 High-Tech Devices

In recent years, much talk has been directed towards how technology can alter buying process and the decision of buyers as well. By using technological advances in creating interactive gadgets that help shoppers in their purchase, retail establishments may be making the right move. Or are they? Although the presence of interactive machines like an electronic greeter or an interactive mirror that provides helpful advice to shoppers can be advantageous to many consumers, there are still some who may just be a little overwhelmed with these new things and, to some extent, may regard these technology as a bit off-putting if not irritating.

Patricia Aburdene, author of The Rise of Conscious Capitalism (Hampton Roads Publishing, 2010) said that the need for human touch also increases with the rise of usage in technology. She even mentioned that technology for its own sake can be considered an overkill.

“My ideal shopping experience is like a caveman hunting…” expressed Louis Rosas-Guyon, author of Nearly Free IT for Micro and Small Business (Heroic Coe Publishing, 2009) and president of a consulting firm, R-Squared Computing. The merits of shopping, according to him, rest on five criteria – speed, convenience, accessibility, soft selling and advertising-free information. He also reiterated that a technology that provides much needed assistance in efficient shopping is sure to be a winner for him.


Winner or not, here are three top picks in retail technology that will surely elicit fascination and interest among shoppers.

  1. Virtual Greeters. She stands just right outside the Eye See Solutions eye-care center at Wal-Mart in Plant City, Florida. A small crowd gathers around her, almost rendering them in a sort of frenzy. She addresses bystanders, coaxing them for an eye check-up without being too invasive. And wait until this virtual woman gives out QR code where curious onlookers and clients can get discounts from. Yes, she can be more than just a holographic image. Eye consultation and checkup in the Eye See Solutions in Plant City has increased by 50 percent since this device was set up. Alice Marie Bruce, the store’s manager, said that the “virtual employee” has helped the store in so many ways without actually spending a large chunk of money for it. Sales have also risen to 60 percent. She explains that most transactions were greatly influenced by the virtual greeter who mostly offers promotions and discounts through QR code displayed in the holographic image. Employing the interactive greeter is also cost effective. While a regular employee may be paid $10/hour for this job, the virtual greeter costs only a leasing fee of equivalent to $2-3/hour.


  1. Interactive Mirrors. As it can be quite expensive for retailers to employ their own style expert specialists, a more cost-effective measure that takes into account style and fashion queries are gaining popularity with interactive mirrors. Mirrus, the company that created this style assistant in the form of an interactive mirror have certainly provided retail stores a lot of reason to be thankful about. This device can give out style advice and tips on what goes well with what. All shoppers need to do after donning an outfit is to step in front of a full-length or countertop mirrors from which the interactive device can provide accessories to match the item. Video promotions can also be played on this multi-purpose gadget and, thus, help increase sales transactions.


  1. Touchscreens. A number of retail shops carry this interactive device, and has grown tremendously sophisticated over the last few months. This is usually effective for making comparisons on certain products that buyers may not be familiar with or cannot make just yet a buying decision.


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