Reasons Why Digital Signage Effective in Crowd Control

In December 20, 2014, a huge crowd of demonstrators rallied inside a shopping mall in Minneapolis, St. Paul. They tried to draw the shoppers’ attention to their cause, which is the widening gap between police authorities and African-American citizens.

Police in full riot gear was deployed to the mall to disperse the crowd. In addition, a message to the demonstrators was flashed in the rotunda’s signage, which clearly states that the crowd is given the final warning to disperse; otherwise, the police will arrest them. Little by little, the number of demonstrators diminished as people start leaving the mall.

This situation has added to the many functions of digital signage. Aside from having been uses as a powerful tool in advertising and conveying messages to the public, it is now proven to be an effective means of breaking unruly crowd especially in public places where safety of people not involved in their cause is at stake.

Nowadays, mall operators and authorities have realized the impact of digital signage in keeping peace and order. There are several reasons why digital signage has such effect to huge crowds.

One reason is that it is highly visible. Unlike using a megaphone that might not be heard due to the noise created by the crowd, a message n a signage can be seen by everyone. The fact that the audience can read the message lends it authority, since written words are very powerful. It can be displayed steadily to make people understand its meaning. Announcements made through megaphones and public address systems are gone once the speaker stops talking.

Another reason is that lighted signage can easily attract people’s attention. Once something bright flashes, it is human instinct to turn towards the source of brightness to see it. As a result, individuals in a huge crowd are able to see the message and digest its meaning.

Written messages are clearer than spoken ones. Repeated announcements could be interpreted in several ways because how powerful its meaning is, is affected by the loudness of the sound, the tone of the voice, and the clarity of the message as spoken, which could reduce its impact and thus, signage can compel people to follow what is said in the message.

In addition, digital signage are placed in conspicuous places and are displayed in such a way that everyone can see it, including those who are far from the display. This increases its reach and ensures everyone seeing it.

Because of these effects of digital signage on controlling a huge crowd, it would be advantageous to have them in public places and in areas where a big number of people could easily gather and rally. Big flat screens can now be seen in such places to give public announcements and notices, warnings, and guidelines for public safety.

Local ordinances such as proper waste disposal, traffic rules, and other local laws must be displayed on digital signage to make everyone aware of them, including strangers who might be innocent about such government orders.
Because of its high visibility, wide reach, and authority, digital signage can be used in maintaining peace and order.

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