The confused customer is a reality in almost any business. Your product is brilliant, but unless the targeted customer doesn’t understand its full potential, the product can be a mere genius waiting to be discovered by the common man. And this is where augmented reality (AR) comes into the picture. By simulating an experience akin to a real one, it can help a consumer understand the actual purpose of and the process to make the most of a great product.
Augmented Reality utilizes 3D images to create a life-like experience. Using an app on a smartphone, virtual scenes can be created in the real world, allowing a user to engage with the experience as though it were real. This enables a better understanding of any kind of product or situation, and allows him to make a better business decision.
Introducing AR in marketing can then provide an enormous boost to sales and revenue, as you can decide the kind of experience your customer can have with your product, and make it engaging enough to generate the need and desire to purchase it. What’s more, you can introduce this convenience even in the comfort of their home, which means they get to experience the product in an environment that they are most comfortable in.
An example of a company that did this was Mitsubishi Electric. A sales consultant visits potential customers interested in purchasing heating and cooling systems (such as air conditioners), with a tablet and an app called meVIEW. The app is used to click a picture of the designated space, and then place units by ME in that spot, allowing the customer to get an almost first-hand view of how the appliance will look there, once installed.
Each day the use of augmented reality for businesses enhances the belief that it is an explosive marketing technique that can give you an edge over the competition. In fact, because this technology has still not completely permeated through the vast range of business models it can be applied to, if you invest in it at this very moment, it could give you a head-start over your peers. And since almost every modern-day consumer is armed with a smartphone, the implementation of augmented reality has become much simpler. With apps designed to support this technology, its use is simple, and only needs basic guidance from support staff, thus making the entire process much more productive and efficient.
A furniture store can use it to showcase different settings to customers, and even enable a better view in their home. An education centre can use augmented reality to provide students with hands-on knowledge about different concepts, techniques and processes. Product manuals can become obsolete as AR can be used to train individuals to set up or repair a certain product by creating a virtual scene based on a real-world product.
The implementation of augmented reality will not only lend your business a ‘wow’ factor, it will educate your consumer at the same time and strengthen his decision-making ability. There will be fewer chances of him telling you ‘I’ll get back to you on that’, because once they have seen the particular product in the spot it is meant to be in, what is left to ponder over? This, of course, is just one example of its many benefits. As suggested above, augmented reality can be applied to almost any business to reinforce purchasing decisions. So while it increases sales and revenue, it also cuts back on the cost of owning real estate to showcase your product. You can showcase your product almost anywhere.

PearlQuest is equipped to make augmented reality a fully functional part of your business. With service and consultancy, PearlQuest can enable your business to gain an edge and head-start over the competition, and stand out in a market that is yet to realize the potential of this technology completely. Contact us today and let’s take discuss how AR can be streamlined to suit your business and attract valuable clientele and customers.
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